Body After Baby - Week 5 or 26.2
I started this challenge largely because I was unhappy with the way my body looked. But after really thinking about fat talk and body image I’ve tried to let go of that particular motivation and focus on health and the sense of accomplishment that comes from reaching one’s goals. So I’ve taken the scale out of the bathroom and stashed it in the storage closet. I’ve left myself an Operation Beautiful note. And I’ve already started feeling much better about myself.
Last week I set several goals:
- Continue 30DS
- Water, water, water!
- Make half a week’s meal plan.
- Make some long term fitness goals and plan for them.
- NO soda!
I’m happy to report that I have met those goals (and surpassed a few of them)! I have just a few days left of 30DS. Wednesday will be my last workout. I can’t believe I’ve stuck with it! I’ve never stuck with a fitness plan for this long! And this one is crazy hard at first! But Adam has provided a substantial bribe to do all 30 days, Jillian Michaels (the DVD host/trainer) is really motivating, and after completing NaNoWriMo and giving birth I more fully believe that I can do anything!
I did not give in and have any soda, even when my evil lovely husband tempted me with a mojito. And I did drink more water, but could probably stand to have a little more each day.
I not only finished half a week’s meal plan, I completed an entire week’s plan AND implemented it. I’ve gotten most of the meal ideas and recipes from Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point. Very yummy! Just to give you an idea of what my new, healthy meals look like here are a few examples:
- sweet potato and bean balls rolled in ground flax seed
- hummus wraps with veggie toppings
- whole, sprouted grain French toast with ground flax seed
- vegetarian burritos (yup, I’m recommitting myself to vegetarianism…er…vegetariseafoodism?)
- lots and lots of green smoothies!
And I’ve made my long term fitness goals and planned my training. One of my 101 in 1001 goals is to run a marathon. So that’s my focus. And how appropriate that today’s Body After Baby post at Mama Notes is about running? That’s got to be a sign or something.
I’ve selected which marathon I want to run (the Calgary marathon). And I have a 46+ week training plan in place which will take me from beginner runner to 5K, from 5K to 1/2 marathon, and then from 1/2 to full marathon! If I stick to the plan then in just under a year I’ll be running a 26.2 mile race. It’s said that anyone who is moderately fit can train to run a marathon. But rumour has it that only between 0.1% and 2% of people ever will do it. I am going to do it.
Saturday night I watched the documentary Spirit of the Marathon. It was incredibly inspirational. It gave an abbreviated history of the marathon and followed several different runners training for the Chicago Marathon from first timer to elite racers (i.e. people who actually have a chance to win). As boring as that description may make it sound it was truly fascinating. I think my favourite part was when they discussed the history of women running marathons. Women used to be barred from long distance races (supposedly, one belief was that our wombs would fall out *insert BIG eye roll here*). Katherine Switzer was the first women to run the almighty Boston Marathon (entered under the name K. V. Switzer) and she finished it (without her womb falling out, I might add) despite a race official’s attempt to physically remove her from the race.
Starting Thursday my training will include the six week 100 push ups/200 sit ups/200 squats program three times per week and a six week beginner 5k program four times per week. I’ll be doing both programs on one day per week so that I can also have a complete day of rest each week. While I’ve enjoyed the commitment of working out every day as demanded by the 30DS it’s not really what’s best for one’s body. Our bodies need a chance to rest and recover.
So, this weeks mini goals include:
- start and stick to my training schedule
- water!!!
- continue to eat healthy foods
- register for my the Calgary Women's Run (5K) and/or the Bustin' Loose Race (10K)
I am so excited to start training. It is going to be hard. But in the last year I have discovered that I can do hard things. So, barring a late blizzard or serious injury I will run the Calgary Marathon, even if it takes me six hours to do it.
Would you ever run a marathon? Have you already? What hard things have you done? Brag away in the comments.
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15 Stubborn Stains:
wow, that sound awesome!! Great goals, can't wait to watch your running progress!!!
Wow, great goals! thanks for the recipe link!
Way to go Holly!!
Where did you get the 30 Day Shred video from?
Well, I most certainly did not download it. Nope. Definitely not. And I wouldn't know anything about it being available on YouTube. No, not at all...
Wow I am impressed by your dedication. My husband is a runner. He is doing his 2nd marathon in Sept. I signed up for the 5 mile run. Maybe someday I'll attempt a marathon. Maybe after I see you do it, it will motivate me.
Going veg, eh? I could never do that. My first thought whenever I see a new animal is "I wonder what it tastes like."
Ginny: Why will seeing me do it motivate any more than seeing Jason do it? If you want it, go for it! :)
Mary: I used to be veg but then during pregnancy I craved meat and indulged and am just now getting back on the wagon. I won't lie, sometimes it's hard to pass up bacon or what-have-you. But the vast majority of the time I don't miss meat.
Yaaaay for you recommiting to vegetarianism! Also, your meal plan has me drooling. Also, I'd love to know where you got the 46 week marathon training plan. I've decided I'm going to do things to challenge myself; up until now, I've kind of coasted along only putting in what I think my maximum limit of effort is. I'd totally love to run a marathon, hopefully next summer.
Shelley: Actually it's a combo of multiple training programs. I'm starting with this newb to 5k program which is 6 weeks long:
Then I have a 12 week 1/2 marathon and a 28 week marathon training schedule through Nike+. You might want to think about if you'd like the Nike+. I really like mine because it does all the work for me (tracking time/distance/etc.) and it really motivates me (you can earn e-medals and extra items for your avatar...cheesy but it works). You don't actually need Nike+ shoes, I've seen people online who use Velcro to attach the sensor to whatever shoes they already have.
I use the bean pod to attach my nike+ to my shoe. It is way cheap and it works great.
Your right Holly. I guess it is just because Jason actually enjoys running so it doesn't seem like a big deal when he runs one, but 26.2 miles is a big deal for anyone to do, I don't care how much you like running.
Ginny that Bean Pod is awesome! I think I'm totally going to have to get one of those sometime in the future! Thanks for the link!
PS: I also found this silicone holder (that comes in many, pretty colors...I LOOOOOVE colors)!
that sounds like so much fun.
Shoot. As I was reading all about your health and fitness regime, I was eating a bag of microwave popcorn...with added butter and salt. This is Body after Baby week 5 for me, so I guess I have something to build up to. I really enjoy reading about your goals though and they seem realistic enough; maybe I'll give it a try.
Rachel: If you give yourself enough time to make the transition air popped popcorn will eventually taste SO much better than the microwave crap! Adam grew up on air popped and I grew up on the slimy microwave stuff. When we got married he *HAD* to have an air popper. And in time I learned to like that SO much better. I don't even add salt to mine!
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