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Tuesday, May 19

You Know...


You know you need to do something about your post-baby body when your belly looks worse five months postpartum than your friend's belly looks seven days postpartum. So...I'm doing something about it. I'm joining the Body After Baby challenge. It fits in with my 101 in 1001 goals, plus I like that I get to set new mini goals each week. That means I can change things up often enough that I (hopefully) won't lose interest. I'm getting in on the game a few weeks late. But imperfection is better than nothing.

Besides the aesthetic benefits, the extra energy, and so on that exercise will give me. I want to start setting a good example for Lucy now. I want her to grow up with a healthy, active mama. I want physical fitness to be so normal that she doesn't even think twice about it. I want it to be part of everyday life. And I want it to be that way before she needs the good example, so that by the time she does need that role model I will already have good habits.

My long term goal: stick with this for 6 months and make progress towards my 101 in 1001 goals.

My goals this week:

  • dance for 10 minutes a day
  • do 40 crunches (or similar) per day - I need to help those belly muscles heal after nine months of stretching!
I'm also supposed to:
Drink 3 liters of water a day
Do one extra workout this week
Get an hour more of sleep each night
Eat breakfast
I already get 8+ hours of sleep a night and eat breakfast every day. So I'm just going to focus on the water and doing one extra workout. Be sure to visit Mama Notes if you want to participate as well!

What do you do to take care of yourself?

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    5 Stubborn Stains:

    Samantha said...

    aha! I found you! :) So glad to have you join in on the challenge with me! :)

    Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

    I *need* the accountability and encouragement.

    Harmony said...

    Hey Holly, It's great to see another December mama join in the body challenge.

    JWalburger said...

    I go brisk walking atleast 3 times a week for 3km or more. I also have a weights routine that I do 2-3 times a week as well. I have to say that I am happily making progress in almost all areas. After reading your post, I have now resolved to drink more water and get more sleep...maybe that will help me out during the day with my energy levels.

    Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

    You looked great last time I saw you, Crystal! Your walks and weight routine really are making a difference.

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