A Sunday Story
Let me tell you a {true} story.
Once upon a time {a year ago} there was a woman who had moved from the land of bad drivers {Utah} to the other land of bad drivers {Alberta}. This woman was not a bad driver. She was careful and obeyed all the rules of the road. One such rule decreed that she must turn in her old driver’s license and replace it with one issued by the province. So off she went to do just that.
Upon applying for her new license she was informed that if she wanted a real, grown-up license she would need to show proof that she had been driving for much longer than her old license indicated. She would have to embark on a quest to retrieve a driving record from her original, home land {Ohio}.
So she did.
But then a mysterious spell was cast upon her that caused her to sleep {read: procrastinate} for a very long time. It wasn’t until the next summer that the spell was broken and she was able to apply again.
She and her handsome knight {who had to drive because he was the only one with a valid license} arrived at the office when the woman remembered she had forgotten her magic bag {wallet} which contained her old license. So they travelled back to their home to get it.
But then upon their {second} arrival they were told they needed proof that they were wed to show that the woman was indeed a resident of the land. So away they went once more.
Finally {on the third attempt in one day} they had success! The woman was granted a new license and there was much rejoicing…
…until she had to go back a fourth time because she dropped an important document on her way out.
And {despite all that} she drove happily ever after.
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13 Stubborn Stains:
Dealing with the DMV is one of my single-least-favorite things EVER. Period.
lol! Sounds like quite an adventure! Welcome to the land of Alberta Drivers.
Proof that the DMV is of teh Deh-vil everywhere!
HAHAHA LOL! I've lived in Utah all of my life and yes we are horrible drivers. That sucks...how hard do they have to make it? Traveling to Canada is hard enough as it is, I can't imagine living there.
utah is a land of bad drivers, recently moved here from IL, i take an angry, business man who thinks i am in hi way over a mom in a van with 5 yelling kids. anyday.
stopping by from SITS to say hi!
Thank goodness the princess of careful driving was able to break the evil spell!
ha! don't you hate when that kind of stuff happens!? at least you can drive now! =)
At least you got there in the end, and there was a "Happily Ever After!"
Visiting from SITS and N Ireland.
Wouldn't it be nice if the DMV provided you with all the information they expected to receive in a cute little packet, so that normal people who have more things to do than stand behind a counter all day and send people away for not havng said information could actually get their license on their first try?
Stopping by from SITS. Happy driving.
urgh... the DMV...grrrrr.
Oh, the dreaded DMV. I wish someone would just shut them down!
Hugs and Mocha
Popped in from SITS to say hi!
Well folks, to be fair, I wasted more time due to my own forgetfulness. The waits at the office were actually quite short.
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