When Muffin Tin Meals Go Wrong
This weeks Muffin Tin Meal theme was “Patriotic.” And since I’ve spent most of my life celebrating the 4th of July and only this year and last celebrating Canada Day I decided to go with a Canadian theme rather than a US theme. But…things didn’t work out so well.
I was going to make French toast shaped like maple leaves. But we were out of bread. So I tried doing maple leaf pieces of tortilla to dip in tzatziki sauce. I tried to make it red…but red food coloring and white sauce = pink. And tortillas don’t cut into shapes as nicely as bread does. {sigh}
The rest of the MTM consisted of plain yogurt sweetened with {Canadian} maple syrup and died red pink to make a Canadian flag, red cherries, and red fruit punch. It didn’t go as well as I hoped. Fortunately it was just for me so I’ve got no disappointed kiddos!
Check out the original post to see some truly amazing MTM’s. I looooove the one the Masked Mommy made!
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13 Stubborn Stains:
I think you did a great job! don't be so hard on yourself!
Heh. It didn't turn out like I wanted. I'm not ashamed to say so! But thanks! :D
I think it is a great muffin tin! Most things don't stay red or blue either. ;)
I went to the original post to look at it but I didn't get an answer to my question. What on earth is a Muffin Tin Meal and why do people make them? I mean, I got the gist of it- a meal in muffin tins... but- why? You are not the first person I've seen blog about this, but no one ever says what the point is! :-)
Courtney: Really they're meant for kids (but I'm a big kid at heart so I make them for myself occasionally. They're just extra fun and appealing for whatever reason. And HCO (the host blog) provides themes each week to work with. I guess you could think of them as the Western version of Bento. This post explains it pretty well: http://michellesjournalcorner.blogspot.com/2008/11/5-answers-to-5-reasons-why-you-have-not.html
Even when mine don't turn out as I hoped, my kids ALWAYS love them. I think it's the effort that counts!
I like to make muffin tin meals because it changes things up a bit. It helps keep the boring and same ole same ole out of lunch. My kids know they have something to look forward to every Monday.
Thanks Holly! Sorry I was a lurker and then came out of the blue with my silly question, but I really was confused.
Don't laugh- I actually thought that this was for people who don't like their food to touch.
Courtney: I didn't laugh...but I did smile. I'm picky about food touching, but not *that* picky. I guess if you had OCD it would be helpful.
Hi! Just dropping in from sits!
I should thank Courtney for asking the questions because even I was wondering what a muffin tin was..
But it looks delightful pink or no pink!
I think it looks very YUMMY!!
Looks like a fun summer meal! When my kids were younger, I loved getting creative with them. Actually, we still do crafty stuff around the house. The next project? A T-shirt quilt!
Your blog is so much fun I don't even know how i ended up here but yeay!!
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