Hey, look, I know things are a mess. I took a hiatus from blogging and decided to switch up my design before returning. Please be patient, because if you can wait out the mess it means REGULAR POSTING WILL RETURN SOON! :D


Monday, June 29

Body After Baby - Week 6

This past week was an exciting one! On Wednesday I did my very last 30 Day Shred workout! I’m very happy with 30DS. I am stronger, leaner, and my endurance and confidence have increased. But I’m also glad to be moving on. 30 days works well because it’s long enough to see results, but not so long that the boredom kills you.

I’m on to training for my first 5K. I’ve registered for the Calgary Women’s Run which is in August. I am not looking forward to running in August heat. But I am looking forward to doing my first race! I began training on Thursday with a nice long walk/run on our new-to-us treadmill. My exercise was cut short by a hungry baby but it was still long and hard! The training continued on Friday with a loooooooong walk through the nearby coulee. I always enjoy this particular trail. The views and wildlife sightings are fantastic (see the pair of deer?)! Plus it’s very hilly so it’s quite challenging.

walk and jumperoo 034 walk and jumperoo 001 walk and jumperoo 002 walk and jumperoo 004 walk and jumperoo 025 walk and jumperoo 028walk and jumperoo 026walk and jumperoo 010

I was very sick on Saturday (I will spare you the details*) and that totally threw off my groove. It means I’m having to shift around some days in my training schedule. And I’m starting the strength training later than I wanted to by a few days. But such is life. I’ll still be on target for the overall training schedule. I’ve just had to switch my rest days for one week.

I also discovered this week that I’ve been eating healthy foods for so long now that I can’t handle junk the way I used to. Overly processed and super sugary foods just don’t agree with me anymore and I’ve lost the desire for {most of} them. Not even Oreo cookies appeal to me! I used to think that heating healthy would mean resisting temptation for the rest of my life. Boy, was I wrong! Given enough time a healthy diet turns previous temptations into disgusting prospects. That said, I don’t eat perfectly and I still like old fashioned goodies (like homemade cookies) on occasion.

This week my goal is simple, get back on track and keep the momentum going!

Be sure to check out the Body After Baby post on the host site (Mama Notes) for some tips on “accidental exercise.”

What kinds of things throw off your exercise routine? How do you deal with them?


*You can thank me later.

3 Stubborn Stains:

Crystal HW said...

Way to go Holly! I have to admit reading your weekly posts keeps me going sometimes.

I find that Sam having a rough day can throw me off my groove, since she is old enough to runup to me, grab my leg, sit on my foot and not let go without force. Makes it kind of hard to get the workout in before I go to bed at night.

I was doing the early morning thing but was told by household members that it made me really grumpy when I stuck to it for more than a couple days...so no more.

Callie said...

A sick baby can throw a wrench in things even faster than me being sick, I've found. If I'm sick, I can gauge whether or not I am still able to do something (anything). If my son is sick, I'm stuck at home and that's it. If I'm lucky and my husband is home in the morning, maybe I can get to the gym... but otherwise, I'm house bound until my son gets back to daycare. It can be rough!!

Elizabeth said...

congrats on your 30 shred! quite an accomplishment.

the pictures of the alberta area are gorgeous!

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