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Sunday, January 4

Top 5 Things To NOT Do In The Snow

The topic of "things to do in the snow" was recommended as a post for NaBloPoMo. But the moment I read it I knew I had to do the opposite. So without further ado, the top 5 things that should not be done in the snow:

5. Run. It's slick, wet, cold, and makes your throat burn. Running should be saved for nicer weather. Though, apparently there are some die hard fitness fanatics that haven't gotten the memo.

4. Drive without winter tires. Unless of course you don't have any winter tires and there isn't a single store in town that has any to sell you. Not that I have any personal experience with that or anything.

3. Wear dress shoes. Even if you are wearing flats (and thereby avoiding the added danger of icy surfaces + high heels) dress shoes do not adequately keep the snow out. And no matter how cute your dress shoes may be you won't feel cute when your foot is sloshing around in melted snow.

2. Be employed as a mail carrier. My heart aches for the unfortunate employees of the USPS, Canada Post, and mail delivery services everywhere (and by "everywhere" I mean "everywhere but Hawaii, Jamaica, Tahiti and similar locales").

1. Sunbathe.

0 Stubborn Stains:

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