Hey, look, I know things are a mess. I took a hiatus from blogging and decided to switch up my design before returning. Please be patient, because if you can wait out the mess it means REGULAR POSTING WILL RETURN SOON! :D


Monday, March 8

*sniffle sniffle cough cough*

Lucy is sick.
Tissues everywhere; they are her arch nemesis. Nose wiping is the new water boarding. She’s never been a naughty child, but boy, is she a snotty child.
Night time is no longer for sleeping. It’s for tossing, turning, whining and snoring. It’s also for keeping Mama awake.
A trip to the store is in order…vapor-rub, special nose-friendly wipes, anything that might make her feel better.
Nothing is getting done today. Why not? It’s not like I have things to do…oh, wait. I do.
Oh, well. I just hope she gets well soon.
Sick babies = heartsick mamas.

11 Stubborn Stains:

Liz Mays said...

It's really hard to see them feeling icky. you're right!

Crystal HW said...

So true, HOlly, so true!

I often use the flushable toddler wipes as they are small,but soft and wet. it makes for great cold season kleenex...soft on nose, small in size.

Unknown said...

Vicks vapor rub on the bottoms of her feet then covered in socks and we use the vicks strips thing that fills the room w the lovely aroma. hope she gets better.

Danielle from A Few of My Favorite Things said...

Poor thing! I hope she's feeling better soon.

I'm Jen. said...

I was so hoping it wasn't Lucy who was sick. Hope she feels better quickly.

Brittany said...

Hope Lucy is feeling better soon and you can all get some rest! Poor little lady.

Unknown said...

agreed! I am dealing with a runny-nosed little boy. Every two minutes I am asking him to blow his nose...lucky for me he knows how!

KK said...

I hope she's feeling all better soon and you can rest!

Sabreena said...

A teaspoon of honey before bed totally helps the cough. Hope she feels better soon.

Krista said...

I hope that she is feeling better now & that you are both getting some sleep.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. It's so hard when they're sick. Mine little girl has strep right now. 7 years and 3 kids and it's our first one. HUMPH.

BTW- I have an award (or two) over at my blog for you. http://www.generalhysteria.com/2010/03/im-a-beautiful-sugar-doll/

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