Hey, look, I know things are a mess. I took a hiatus from blogging and decided to switch up my design before returning. Please be patient, because if you can wait out the mess it means REGULAR POSTING WILL RETURN SOON! :D


Wednesday, September 2

Meeting Bloggy Friends

While I was in Ohio I got to visit an old classmate whom I’ve reconnected and become friends through our blogs. In fact, she was one of my guest bloggers. I met up with Sarah and her adorable little girl at Bill’s Donuts {aka the best donut shop EVER}.

Ohio 001

It also just so happened to be that we were staying at a hotel seven minutes from client, and bloggy friend, Katie. So we also met up with her and her oh-so-cute daughter for ice cream.


I just gotta say, actually meeting your bloggy friends really rocks.

You can commence being jealous now.

Have you met any bloggy friends in real life?


4 Stubborn Stains:

Courtney said...

I ran into a bloggy friend one day by accident. We were both chasing around babies but said hello... made plans to meet up again... and haven't. :-( But now I am thinking maybe we should do it!!

Annie said...

I don't know any bloggy friends that live near me....but it would be cool to meet a few that I really feel like I have alot in common with :)

Anonymous said...

Agreed!!! Meeting bloggy friends is the coolest :) So glad we've reconnected!!

Katie @ Domestic Debacle said...

OMG I look so bad in that pic... thankfully most of the swelling has gone down by now! Yikes! And you m'dear look ravishing! I can't wait to see you & the family again!

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