Now, Where Did I Put My Brain?
Are you a mom?
Then you know all about “Mommy Brain.” It begins in pregnancy. Brain gets fuzzier, memory takes a vacation. It doesn’t improve much after giving birth because your mental resources are depleted by sleep deprivation and (if you’re a SAHM like me) having a person whose vocabulary consists of “AAAAAAAAH” as your only conversation partner for the majority of your day.
You know what’s even more fun than “Mommy Brain?”
“Mommy Brain” and ADD.
I have always been forgetful. When I was a little kid my mom used to pin notes for my teachers onto my clothes. It was the only way the teachers would get said notes. In fifth grade I got detention {twice} for forgetting to do my homework.* And the distractibility! Let me tell you about the distractibility! Lets say I ask a question. By the time the answer is given I’ve been distracted and totally miss it. Then, like an idiot, I have to ask again. Seriously. It can happen at any moment. I can be mid-sentence and…Oh! Did I tell you we are picking up our digital photo disk from the photographer tomorrow morning?
I’m really happy with how this last photo session went. I’ll be sure to post some pictures over the weekend! I can’t wait to get them printed and in frames so we can hang them all over the house.
Anyway, have a great weekend! We’re headed to Calgary tomorrow to get passports for Bear and Lu. I’ll be back and posting again Saturday!
*Don’t even get me started on what I think of teachers who dish out the same punishment for innocent forgetfulness that they do for fighting/stealing/other rule breaking activities.
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5 Stubborn Stains:
Love your asterisk. Me too.
And, what part of "WAAAAAAAAAH" don't you understand?!
I love Cafepress. :D
My "Mommy brain" has been TERRIBLE during this pregnancy! Absolutely shameful! I don't know why, but for some reason, this kid is sapping the mental acuity from me.
By the way, I posted a little award for you over at my blog. :)
I feel ya on the memory lapses in combination with ADD or ADHD...I get worse every day!
What was my name again?
3 girls. Youngest is 3 months. I officially have NO BRAIN. :) Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you soon.:) cute LUcy!
"sits" friend.. it still doesn't sound quite 'RIGHT'
Mommy brain is my life, it seems. Drives Rob nuts some days. I swear, if my head was not attached, there would be days I would misplace it.
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