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Sunday, July 5

4th of July Recap

Well, it was a pretty uneventful Independence Day here in Canada. What a surprise, eh? Bear had to work so I actually spent most of the day alternating between extremely bored/lonely and completely stressed out due to a certain somebody having never ending fusses.*

We started the day with American flag cereal.

video 014 {Kashi GoLean Crunch, Cheerios, bran flakes, and corn flakes}

And we might have ended with leftover key lime pie from Canada Day if the pie had not leapt to its death earlier in the week (this is what it looked like after cleanup).

video 009 video 010

But at least we had “fireworks” provided by Mother Nature. An excellent storm rolled in during the evening complete with thunder and lightning.

How was your 4th of July? What did you do?


*Not nearly as enjoyable as the Neverending Story.

3 Stubborn Stains:

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

sad about the pie it looked so yummo! we were pretty low key went to a park and had DQ and then today we went fishing till we got rained out ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a yummy breakfast! We went to a friend's house and hung out with their family, swam, ate lots of food and then caught a fabulous fireworks show. :) Overall a great day!

PS. I love that you label your pictures and have every intention of stealing your idea :) Don't hate me.

Crystal HW said...

So we did get rain while I was away. Glad to see you enjoyed the days.

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