Hey, look, I know things are a mess. I took a hiatus from blogging and decided to switch up my design before returning. Please be patient, because if you can wait out the mess it means REGULAR POSTING WILL RETURN SOON! :D


Friday, October 8

Voting for Lucy

I’ve been continuing to get a lot of comments from people who have trouble with the many different links I’ve tried posting.  I’m really sorry guys. This is Facebook’s fault, not yours, not mine. Facebook is just full of suck and fail. I’m really frustrated. Lucy winning this thing would be awesome, especially because the prize would more than pay for her birthday and Christmas presents. But the current lead baby has 68 votes followed closely by several babies with votes totalling 50+.

Lucy has 14 votes.

Boo to you, Facebook. <insert angry glare here>

If you wanna please help us out, and get Lucy to the lead before the month ends here’s the less convenient, but hopefully Facebook-being-crappy-proof way to do it:

  1. Log into your Facebook account.
  2. Search for “Special Deliveries Doula Services Medicine Hat, Alberta” in the search bar at the top of your home page.
  3. Select the search result with the black and white photo of a newborn baby suspended in a sheer white fabric.
  4. Like the group.
  5. Go to the discussions tab and find “Cutest Baby #44” {because Lucy is losing she’s been bumped to the second page so you might have to click “see all topics” and navigate to page 2 to find her…unless someone else votes shortly before you do and moves her back to page 1}.
  6. Stick around in the group at least until November 1st so your vote doesn’t get deleted.
  7. Spread the word if you’d like to {retweeting this post would be awesome}.

Anyhow…a big THANK YOU to all of you who have tried, especially those of you who have tried again and again and again. I appreciate that you would go to that much trouble for me and my progeny.


1 Stubborn Stains:

Bee Ingraham said...

See, my search failed at step 3. I don't get any results that have a baby suspended in fabric, no matter what I try.


Do you have an Amazon wishlist or something else that Good Samaritans who want to bypass all this Facebook silliness can work with?

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