I had my first day on the job yesterday. It was great. I enjoyed myself. Lucy? Not so much. Daddy reports that she basically cried herself to sleep despite all he could do to comfort her. But if you’re going to cry yourself to sleep what better place to do it than Daddy’s arms, right? The good news is that I won’t be working at bedtime once my normal schedule starts.
We leave for the States on Friday evening. We’ll get back some time on Monday. The bad news {other than the fact that we’re making two 14 hours drives with a toddler} is that our car needs major work. It needs about $1000 worth of repairs done, $500 of which needs to be done before we leave. If this had happened next month instead of this month that wouldn’t have been a big deal, a bummer for sure, but not anxiety attack inducing stressful. The end of the summer is always tight for us financially. So I’m not pleased that our car decided to let us down less than thirty days before student grants and my first pay check. It is 10 years old and has been driven all over North America, but still. I’m stressed. Maybe I’ll give the crying to sleep thing a try…just kidding.
Other than upset toddlers and not enough cash life is great. The rest of this month is going to be busy, busy, busy. But I’ll do what I can to keep you all updated.
Hip! Hip! Hooray!
Yippee skipee!
Woot to the oot!
I got the job!
You remember Rachel from Madchen Studios? She did our maternity photos {see below}, newborn photos, and 6 month baby photos/family portrait. She also sponsored that fabulous auction for the MS Society. Well she’s who hired me! How awesome is that!? I’m her new office manager. I get to do lots of different things for her {including some blogging…yes, my life is AWESOME and no, I won’t hold it against you if you’re jealous}. I think I did a pretty good job not freaking out when she gave me the gig but OH MY GOSH I AM PEE-MY-PANTS EXCITED!*
You can check out her Facebook page if you’re so inclined. It’s a good way to be notified when there’s a new blog post. And if you like looking at pretty pictures {I know I do} then you’ll want to be notified when there’s a new post.
So, yeah. Totally have a job now. It’s part time. And the plan is for Adam to take Lucy with him to the on campus daycare when I’m working. I think she’s gonna have a blast playing with the other kiddos. And she’ll still be getting lots of mommy time since I’m not going full-time. Hopefully that will make the transition easier on both of us.
This is totally awesome guys.
Did I mention Rachel’s studio is about a block away from our apartment? Because it is.
Bestest job EVAR!
Did I mention I’m excited?
I’m excited.
*Upon no pants did actual urination occur.
The Great Job Hunt of 2010
Thanks to Twitter yours truly has a job interview on Wednesday. Hooray! I’ll tell you more about the job if I get it. But I will say this…I really, really, really, really, really want this position. It’s pretty much perfect for me right now and I love the business for which I’d be working.
I had tweeted that I was starting my search for part-time work. I planned on submitting about a bajillion applications around town this week at the usual places…grocery stores, fast food joints, <insert menial labor position here>. Michael’s was my first choice, until I was offered the interview I have Wednesday. So I’ve got my fingers tightly crossed.
Aaaaand, just because I love it and am proud of how cheap I got it {$41 not including the cost of footwear}, here’s the outfit I’m wearing to my interview:
See, until yesterday I owned two pairs of pants {khakis and jeans}. I used to own a pair of work pants.
But then I got pregnant.
Bye-bye nice dress pants.
So now my closet pretty much consists of all casual clothes {t-shirts…lots and lots of t-shirts} that are either a: too small from before Lucy or b: too big from after Lucy. Not suitable for interviews. So I hit the mall. And it was a success if I do say so myself {and I do}. I was clueless and terrified to try and find something fashionable. I’ve been out of the style loop for several years now. But, wouldn’t you know it, clothing stores have people in them that know about clothes and will help you pull together an outfit! Apparently it’s like, their job or something. Who’d have guessed? I loved the gal that helped me out…and I loved her even more when she informed me during checkout that the pants I found were actually only $6! Score!
Anyhow, that’s that. Wish me luck!
Head’s Up!
We’ll be leaving in the evening to make the 14 hour drive to Provo {where Adam’s younger brother lives}. Hopefully Lucy will sleep through the majority of the trip {hence the driving at night plan}. And we’re borrowing a portable DVD player for the time when she is awake. If watching Winnie the Pooh for the umpteenth time is what it takes to keep my toddler from whining us into insanity then, by all means, let’s watch Pooh.
Adam will be spending most of the weekend with his brother while I’ll be spending most of my time with my friend and her adorable daughter. We haven’t seen each other for years {since before our kiddos were born} so I’m very excited.
Also? I’m totally going to Guru’s {best veggie burrito in the world} and Target! I’m also planning to hit Joann’s Fabrics {if I get a chance} and the USPS. We’re going to ship some Christmas presents super early to take advantage of the USPS flat rate boxes. And I’d like to perhaps grab some fabric if US fabric prices are cheaper, as I suspect they are.
Then, after our trip to the States, we’re planning on driving to B.C. to see one of Adam’s older brothers. Again, it will just be for a few days. We’re hoping to camp one night {Lucy’s first time camping}. And I am very much looking forward to seeing mountains. Actually, now that I think about it, I’ll see mountains in Utah too. I guess I was so excited about going to Target that I forgot. NoIamnotobsessedwithTargetwhydoyouask?
So, that’s that.
Have you traveled this summer? What are your plans for August?
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