Hey, look, I know things are a mess. I took a hiatus from blogging and decided to switch up my design before returning. Please be patient, because if you can wait out the mess it means REGULAR POSTING WILL RETURN SOON! :D


Tuesday, July 7

How To Write a Blog

Do you have a new, baby blog? Are you thinking of starting one? Then you’re going to have to strike the delicate balance between anti-social butterfly and busy bee.

Case in point? Me.

See, usually when I’m brainstorming post ideas I find myself thinking Holly, you nerd, you have to have a life to have things about which to write! But today I found myself thinking Holly, you need to spend at least part of the day at home so you can write!

Needless to say, I’ve done a lot (relatively) the last day or so. Yesterday I walked 5K to the nearest pool to take Lucy for a dip {without the stroller which got left in our car which Bear takes for work}. We probably spent less than an hour in the water before Lu got cold and tired. Then I walked another 5K home in very windy conditions. It was good Lu didn’t want to play in the water very long because if we had left later I probably would have gotten caught in this:

Today we went out once again {with the stroller this time}. First I walked to the new educational store in town. Then I headed over to the mall {because why not? Plus, malls = air conditioning}. We left the house at 2:40 and got back at 8:00. So…yeah, spent a lot of time away from my beloved lappy and the interwebs today. Hence, the late post.

My feet? They hurt. But I got a hair cut {FINALLY}! Aaaand I promise a better post tomorrow, OK? In fact I promise a post that really is about writing a blog that will appeal to those of you with baby blogs or blogs in embryo. ;)


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